The eighth annual Legal Community Fighting Hunger Food (and Diaper) Drive is beginning! If you or your firm or organization would like to participate, see the announcement letter from Attorney General Charity Clark, here. You can find the 2024 sign-up form here.
NOTE: the form is due back to the AG’s office by Wednesday, Sept. 4. (Send it to
Please identify on the form how you or your organization would like to participate. There is more information in the AG’s attached announcement letter and participants will receive additional instructions after signing up.
All members of the Vermont Legal Community are invited/urged to participate. This two-week fundraiser will begin on Friday, Sept. 6, 2024, and end on Friday, Sept. 20, 2024.
This annual event is organized by the Vermont Attorney General’s Office, the Vermont Bar Association, and the Vermont Paralegals Organization in partnership with the Vermont Foodbank. The most successful food (and diaper) raising groups will be recognized at the VBA’s Annual Meeting on Sept. 27 at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee.
Gather your team. Make you plans. Make a difference.