The Department of Public Safety (DPS) on behalf of the Public Safety Communications Task Force (hereinafter the “State” or “Task Force”) has issued a request for proposal (RFP) for legal services for the Public Safety Communications Task Force available at the following link:
The RFP responses are due by December 8, 2023 at 3:00 PM EST. The scope and background of the RFP is as follows:
This Request for Proposal (RFP) by the Department of Public Safety (DPS) on behalf of the Public Safety Communications Task Force (hereinafter the “State” or “Task Force”) is seeking to establish contracts with one or more entities that can provide professional legal services to the Task Force as it oversees and manages the transition to a statewide, reliable, secure and interoperable public safety communications system and fulfills the requirements established in sections c.114 – c.115 of 2023, No. 78 (An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government). The Task Force is seeking legal services for:
- Providing general legal services to the Task Force, including compliance with the Open Meeting law and advising the Task Force during executive sessions of its regularly scheduled meetings;
- Advising the Task Force regarding municipal law, intermunicipal agreements, and municipal relations generally, as applicable to the Task Force’s duties set forth in sections c.114-c.115 of 2023, No. 78, and;
- Assisting with recommending and developing governance structure(s) for multi-member municipal entities seeking to provide regional dispatch services, consistent with 2023, No. 78, c.114(e)(2)(H), which instructs the Task Force to “develop findings and recommendations related to draft elements of a preliminary design for a public safety communications system,” including “a recommended governance model to ensure effective State and regional oversight, management, and continuous improvement of the system . . . .” Examples of potential structures may include Union Municipal Districts, interlocal contracts, Fire Mutual Aid Systems, county sheriff contracts with member towns, and/or Municipal Regional Planning Districts.
Legal experience in the following areas is desired: (1) advising Vermont municipalities on issues of municipal governance and administration, (2) familiarity with Vermont police, fire, or emergency medical provider legal structures and operations, (3) familiarity with other intergovernmental structures identified above, (4) familiarity with state or federal grant administration and the state RFP process, including compliance with Vermont grant requirements set forth by the Agency of Administration, and (5) compliance with the Open Meeting law and related topics affecting public bodies in Vermont. Applicants shall be licensed to practice law in Vermont, comply with Appendix D and have no conflicts of interest as outlined therein, and comply with and be approved under Vermont Agency of Administration Bulletin 17.10.