Vermont attorneys should have received the memo yesterday (June 3). Highlights include that, starting yesterday, the Vermont Digital Evidence Portal (VDEP) has been expanded to all court divisions and the Judicial Bureau. The memo includes a link to training materials on VDEP.
Also, all Judiciary staff, judges, and justices have been migrated from a “” address to a “ email account” and contact lists may need to be updated accordingly. Several new rules are promulgated, and comments are invited on some proposed rules, and there are updates on Odyssey File and Serve.
If you’re a Vermont attorney and you didn’t get the memo yesterday, click the hyperlink here to see it on the Judiciary Website. It includes information about how to make sure the Judiciary has your up-to-date contact information and about how you can make sure that emails from the court are “safe listed” so that you will receive them.