11-5An attorney representing parties being sued by a non-profit condominium association that is governed by a board of directors elected by the membership may communicate directly with non-board members of the association regarding facts relevant to the litigation without notifying the board’s attorney and without first obtaining the board’s attorney’s consent

96-07 An attorney representing a client in a matter in which an adverse party is a corporation represented by counsel may communicate with a former employee of the corporation about the matter without the consent of the corporation

94-08 An attorney may accept an engagement from a lender, who makes loans secured by a mortgage on the borrower’s property, to represent the lender in a closing, provided that the attorney does not directly or indirectly undertake to represent the borrower in the same transaction.

91-04 An attorney may represent private parties in separate proceedings even though each party may be called as a witness in the other’s case, where there is no reasonable likelihood of conflict between the two parties and where each consents to the dual representation after full disclosure of relevant facts.